Our products are manufactured in the clean facilities with high standard under the thorough computer control system.
However, machine is not the only our means to maintain the quality.
Hands and eyes of skilled engineers continuously make careful checks on the products.
Intense concentration is vital
for expert testers
Engineers always keep their eyes on the production line

In the company, all the engineers of various sections, from design, production to quality checking section, are devoted to their own tasks with their passions and specialties.
A sense of solidarity and progressing mind held by our technical groups with the common target is a vital clue to offering the excellent injectors.

A magnificent view of sacred Mt. Fuji through the office windows, which would be difficult to be obtained without the clear clean air.
The injectors of the 21st century have to contribute not only to engines but also to the environment.
Taking the view of the future, all the staffs make their efforts at manufacturing products.
The forefront products come out from the forefront machines